Mission Statement
The Del City Chamber of Commerce is committed to serving members' collective needs and enhancing a viable business climate in the Del City area.
Your business can grow! People like to do business with those they know and trust. As a member of the Del City Chamber of Commerce, you can become acquainted with the business leaders of the community who want to keep their money in Del City.
Chamber functions like Coffee Connections, Business Bites and Lunch and Learns are designed to put you in touch with the best-qualified prospects in the area. In turn, this improves your business climate.
The Del City Chamber of Commerce is actively working to help bring customers to you, the chamber of commerce member, plus bring jobs to the area. This is accomplished through organized events and promotion.
Most of all, a strong economy helps your business. That’s the chamber’s goal.
The community can profit from the benefits of better education, beautification, parades and events, the arts, family entertainment and Del City’s image by joining the Chamber of Commerce.
When prospects consider locating a business in the Del City area, the Chamber of Commerce office is usually contacted first to acquire information on the community. The Chamber is constantly seeking new markets for current businesses and new job sources for that area.
A strong economy helps your community. Through the collective efforts of the members of the Del City Chamber of Commerce, we can strive to provide better business and better living for our families now and the future. Won’t you help your business and your community by investing in your future? Join Today!
Your investment in the Del City Chamber of Commerce is to help fulfill the mission and goals set forth:
Represent the business and professional community for their advancement in economic and civic well being.
Preserve and promote the free enterprise system.
Be a constructive advocate in the assisting all levels of government by maintaining an open exchange of ideas and information.
Create jobs through economic development by working with existing businesses and seeking new business opportunities.
When you make an investment in the Del City Chamber of Commerce, you are, in effect, hiring a staff of experts to accomplish many things your business has neither the time nor the personnel to do. The chamber gives you a voice to determine how we live and work as a community.
Remember, a strong economy helps everyone! That’s the goal of the Del City Chamber of Commerce.